Food, Health, Lifestyle

Days 50 and 51: Oops, I Did It Again *Wink Wink*

Channeling my inner Britney Spears there.  I know I said I would really try my damnedest to not fall behind on these posts, but low and behold, now I have to play catch-up again.  This kind of sucks.  Some of you have expressed how much you like these posts, so I feel kind of bad that I can’t give you one each and every day.

I try, you know?  Sometimes it doesn’t work.

I also had to forgo yoga today, even though I really really didn’t want to.  Today was hatha, at the best time for me, but there are people that just don’t plan ahead (even though that would really help them in the long run!) and need me to come in on my off time to help set up for work for the following day.  I am being paid for that time, which is pretty awesome, but . . . I also would’ve liked to be in a hardcore savasana at that time too.

I guess the takeaway from that is actual life sometimes gets in the way of how you want life to be.  You have this idea of what you want to do and actual life is all “NOPE GUESS WHAT YOU’RE DOING THIS OTHER THING.”  Cool.

However, I have more control over my snacks now.  Yesh.  Went to the store and got myself an apple and some cashews, and I was pretty happy during the second class I had to do.

Really debating whether or not to go to early yoga tomorrow.  It would be good for me, but I think getting everywhere I need to be will be tight if I do that, which negates the awesomeness after yoga.  Plus, it’s vinyasa, in the morning, with little time to shower.  But man, I need to do yoga . . .

I’ll let you know how that turns out.  For now, I need to sleep on it.


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